Rancangan pembelajaran ini diambil dari “Bagian Prosedur Pembelajaran” yang terdapat dalam RPP di atas (Bagian 1).
1. Greeting
(Good morning class, how are you? …)
2. Praying
(Fadel, can you lead the prayer please? …)
3. Checking students’ attendance
(Who is missing today? … What’s the matter with Beta? …)
4. Reviewing the previous lesson
(What did we learn last week? … Where did we stop last time? …)
5. Stating a new topic
(Today we are going to read a text about “Traffic Jam in Big Cities”)
6. Stating the objectives of the lesson
(In this lesson you are supposed to be able to …)
7. Explaining the benefits of the lesson
(The benefit we can get from this lesson is ...)
II. Main Activities
A. Exploration
Task 1 (about 5 minutes)
Look at the picture, then answer the questions about it.
1. What picture is it?
2. What do you see in the picture?
3. What is in your mind when you see the picture?
4. Have you had any experience being in the situation shown in the picture?
Task 2 (about 5 minutes)
You are going to read a text about “Traffic Jam in big cities”. What information do you expect from the text?
- ____________________________________________________________________
- ___________________________________________________________________
- ___________________________________________________________________
- ___________________________________________________________________
- ____________________________________________________________________
Task 3 (about 5 minutes)
Read the text, then check whether you can find the information you expected (in task 2).
(1) In most big cities in the world, traffic has become a serious problem. (2) Traffic jam takes place, especially in rush hours. (3) There are simply too many cars. (4) This brings about some unexpected effects.
(5) Traffic in Hongkong can be so bad that a vehicle moves along at only 10 KPH, slower than bicycle speed. (6) In Manila, traffic often stops completely. (7) This generates so much exhaust that Manila is now one of the world’s most polluted cities. (8) In Bangkok, children get up at 4 or 5 AM to make it to school by 9:00. (9) They have breakfast in the car or bus.
(10) The number of cars in the world doubled between 1970 and 1990. (11) Currently, there are around 600 million vehicles on roads designed for half that many. (12) The number of cars is expected to double again over the next 20 – 40 years. (13) More roads are being built, but there is no way there can ever be enough roads to handle all these cars.
(14) The wasted fuel from the vehicles causes pollution. (15) The pollution destroys the environment in a number of ways. (16) It also affects personal health. (17) More and more people in large cities suffer from asthma and other breathing disorders than ever before. (18) It is not only humans who suffer. (19) A recent study in Britain repots that birds are losing their hearing because of the traffic noise; as a result, they are unable to sing properly.
(20) No one argues that traffic has become a big problem. (21) We need to find a solution to the world’s traffic jams; otherwise, we will still suffer from diseases.
B. Elaboration
Task 1 (about 30 minutes)
Make group of three (or five). Do execises 1 through 5 with your friends in the group.
Exercise 1
Answer the following questions based on the text.
1. What is the text about?
2. Why is the purpose of the text?
3. Why do traffic jams take place in big cities?
4. What is the effect of traffic jams in big cities?
5. What is the best way to solve traffic jams in big cities?
Exercise 2
What do the following pronouns refer to in the text?
1. this (sentence 4) : _________________________________________________
2. it (sentence 16) : _________________________________________________
3. they (sentence 19) : _________________________________________________
Exercise 3
Match the words in column A (taken from the text) and their meanings in column B. Each word in column B is used only once.
1. rush (sentence 2)
2. bring about (sentence 4) 3. currently (sentence 11) 4. study (senteence 19) 5. argue (sentence 20) |
a. cause
b. recently c. investigation d. hard e. deny f. busy g. properly |
Exercise 4
Read the text once again more intensively, then examine how the text is developed and organized.
- How many paragraphs are there in the text?
- What is the main idea of paragraphs 2, 3, and 4?
- What is the function of the first paragraph?
- What is the function of the last paragraph?
- Can you draw a diagram showing the relationship among the paragraphs in the text?
Task 2 (about 20 minutes)
Each group presents the result of group discussion. The other groups give their responses or comments.
C. Confirmation (about 15 menit)
(Pada fase ini guru memberi tanggapan atas apa yang telah dikerjakan dan dipresentasikan oleh siswa, baik melalui kelompok mereka maupun secara perorangan. Hal penting yang perlu dilakukan oleh guru pada tahap konfirmsi ini adalah (1) menyatakan bahwa jawaban siswa BENAR atau SALAH, (2) memberi penguatan terhadap alasan (reasoning) yang telah dikemukakan oleh siswa, dan (3) memberi penjelasan tambahan yang dapat memberikan pemahaman siswa lebih lanjut, seperti bagaimana cara menemukan main idea dalam suatu teks atau paragraf, menunjukkan reference dalam suatu teks, dan menjelaskan makna ungkapan dalam teks. Fase ini dapat dilakukan bersamaan dengan Task 2 Fase Elaboration. Setiap suatu exercise atau butir soal dalam suatu exercise selesai dipresentasikan dan dibahas, guru dapat memberi konfirmasi.
III. Closing (about 10 minutes)
(The time is almost up; we are going to end the lesson)
- Summarizing
- Reflection
- Preparing the forthcoming lesson (or giving homework)
- Leave-taking
Sumber data : Materi PLPG Bahasa Inggris UMS tahun 2012
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