Senin, 06 Agustus 2012

The example of RPP


Rancangan pembelajaran ini diambil dari “Bagian Prosedur Pembelajaran” yang terdapat dalam RPP di atas (Bagian 1).

I. Introduction (about 10 minutes)
1. Greeting
(Good morning class, how are you? …)
2. Praying
(Fadel, can you lead the prayer please? …)
3. Checking students’ attendance
(Who is missing today? … What’s the matter with Beta? …)
4. Reviewing the previous lesson
(What did we learn last week? … Where did we stop last time? …)
5. Stating a new topic
(Today we are going to read a text about “Traffic Jam in Big Cities”)
6. Stating the objectives of the lesson
(In this lesson you are supposed to be able to …)
7. Explaining the benefits of the lesson
(The benefit we can get from this lesson is ...)

II. Main Activities
A. Exploration
Task 1 (about 5 minutes)
Look at the picture, then answer the questions about it.

1. What picture is it?
2. What do you see in the picture?
3. What is in your mind when you see the picture?
4. Have you had any experience being in the situation shown in the picture?

Task 2 (about 5 minutes)
You are going to read a text about “Traffic Jam in big cities”. What information do you expect from the text?
  1. ____________________________________________________________________
  2. ___________________________________________________________________
  3. ___________________________________________________________________
  4. ___________________________________________________________________
  5. ____________________________________________________________________

Task 3 (about 5 minutes)
Read the text, then check whether you can find the information you expected (in task 2).

(1) In most big cities in the world, traffic has become a serious problem. (2) Traffic jam takes place, especially in rush hours. (3) There are simply too many cars. (4) This brings about some unexpected effects.
(5) Traffic in Hongkong can be so bad that a vehicle moves along at only 10 KPH, slower than bicycle speed. (6) In Manila, traffic often stops completely. (7) This generates so much exhaust that Manila is now one of the world’s most polluted cities. (8) In Bangkok, children get up at 4 or 5 AM to make it to school by 9:00. (9) They have breakfast in the car or bus.
(10) The number of cars in the world doubled between 1970 and 1990. (11) Currently, there are around 600 million vehicles on roads designed for half that many. (12) The number of cars is expected to double again over the next 20 – 40 years. (13) More roads are being built, but there is no way there can ever be enough roads to handle all these cars.
(14) The wasted fuel from the vehicles causes pollution. (15) The pollution destroys the environment in a number of ways. (16) It also affects personal health. (17) More and more people in large cities suffer from asthma and other breathing disorders than ever before. (18) It is not only humans who suffer. (19) A recent study in Britain repots that birds are losing their hearing because of the traffic noise; as a result, they are unable to sing properly.
(20) No one argues that traffic has become a big problem. (21) We need to find a solution to the world’s traffic jams; otherwise, we will still suffer from diseases.

B. Elaboration
Task 1 (about 30 minutes)
Make group of three (or five). Do execises 1 through 5 with your friends in the group.

Exercise 1
Answer the following questions based on the text.
1. What is the text about?
2. Why is the purpose of the text?
3. Why do traffic jams take place in big cities?
4. What is the effect of traffic jams in big cities?
5. What is the best way to solve traffic jams in big cities?

Exercise 2
What do the following pronouns refer to in the text?
1. this (sentence 4)             : _________________________________________________
2. it (sentence 16)               : _________________________________________________
3. they (sentence 19)          : _________________________________________________

Exercise 3
Match the words in column A (taken from the text) and their meanings in column B. Each word in column B is used only once.
1. rush (sentence 2) 2. bring about (sentence 4)
3. currently (sentence 11)
4. study (senteence 19)
5. argue (sentence 20)
a. cause b. recently
c. investigation
d. hard
e. deny
f. busy
g. properly

Exercise 4
Read the text once again more intensively, then examine how the text is developed and organized.
  1. How many paragraphs are there in the text?
  2. What is the main idea of paragraphs 2, 3, and 4?
  3. What is the function of the first paragraph?
  4. What is the function of the last paragraph?
  5. Can you draw a diagram showing the relationship among the paragraphs in the text?

Task 2 (about 20 minutes)
Each group presents the result of group discussion. The other groups give their responses or comments.

C. Confirmation (about 15 menit)
(Pada fase ini guru memberi tanggapan atas apa yang telah dikerjakan dan dipresentasikan oleh siswa, baik melalui kelompok mereka maupun secara perorangan. Hal penting yang perlu dilakukan oleh guru pada tahap konfirmsi ini adalah (1) menyatakan bahwa jawaban siswa BENAR atau SALAH, (2) memberi penguatan terhadap alasan (reasoning) yang telah dikemukakan oleh siswa, dan (3) memberi penjelasan tambahan yang dapat memberikan pemahaman siswa lebih lanjut, seperti bagaimana cara menemukan main idea dalam suatu teks atau paragraf, menunjukkan reference dalam suatu teks, dan menjelaskan makna ungkapan dalam teks. Fase ini dapat dilakukan bersamaan dengan Task 2 Fase Elaboration. Setiap suatu exercise atau butir soal dalam suatu exercise selesai dipresentasikan dan dibahas, guru dapat memberi konfirmasi.

III. Closing (about 10 minutes)
(The time is almost up; we are going to end the lesson)
  1. Summarizing
(Can you state briefly what we have learnt? …)
  1. Reflection
(How do you feel? … What went well? … What went wrong? …)
  1. Preparing the forthcoming lesson (or giving homework)
(Next week we will learn more about … Please read your book, unit …)
  1. Leave-taking
(Thanks for your attention… Bye…)
Sumber data : Materi PLPG  Bahasa Inggris UMS tahun 2012

Sabtu, 16 Juni 2012

The Example of Narrative Text

Snow White
One day she heard her aunt and uncle talking about leaving Snow White in the castle because they wanted to go to America and they didn’t have enough money to take Snow White with them.
Snow White didn’t want her uncle and aunt to do this. So she decided to run away. The next morning she run away from home when her aunt and uncle were having breakfast, she run away into the wood.
In the wood she felt very tired and hungry. Then she saw this cottage. She knocked but no one answered so she went inside and felt asleep
Meanwhile seven dwarfs were coming home from work. They went inside. There, they found Snow White woke up. She saw the dwarfs. The dwarfs said; “What is your name?”. Snow White said; “My name is Snow White”. One of the dwarfs said; “If you wish, you may live here with us”. Snow White told the whole story about her. Then Snow white ad the seven dwarfs lived happily ever after.

Generic Structure Analysis
1. Orientation; introducing specific participants; Snow White
2. Complication; revealing a series of crisis: Snow White’s aunt and uncle would leave her in a castle, Snow White run away, Snow White felt hungry in the wood.
3. Resolution; the crisis is resolve: the dwarfs permitted Snow White lived in their cottage lived happily
Language Feature Analysis
o Using saying verb; answered
o Using thinking verb; decided
o Using action verb; run away
o Using time conjunction; once upon a time, one day
o Using connectives; then, meanwhile
o Using past tense; she heard her uncle

Jumat, 08 Juni 2012

Six Patterns of Tenses for Beginners

Simple Present Tense
Ø  menyatakan kebiasaan yg masih berlangsung hingga sekarang
Ø  menyatakan kebenaran umum

Subject + infinitive(verb 1) + Obj.
We always get up early everyday.
The earth moves round the sun.
She practices badminton every sunday
Everyday/morning/ week/ month/year.
Often, usually, generally, never, always
Present Continuous
Ø  menyatakan suatu kegiatan yang sedang berlangsung pada waktu sekarang

S + is/am/are + V ing + O
The students are reading in the library now.
Mother is cooking in the kitchen.
Now, at present, at this moment, today
Present Perfect Tense
Ø  menyatakan suatu kegiatan yang telah selesai dilakukan pada waktu sekarang

S + have/has + Verb 3 + O
She has just watered the flowers.
I have lived here for three years.
She has taught English since five years ago.

For + periode waktu
Already, just
Simple Past
Ø  menyatakan suatu kegiatan yang dilakukan pada waktu lampau

S + Verb 2 + Object
They went to Bali last month.
He played football yesterday.
Last week/month/year
Past Continuous
Ø  menyatakan suatu kegiatan yang sedang terjadi pada waktu tertentu di masa lampau

Ø  menyatakan suatu kagiatan yg sedang berlangsung pada waktu lampau ketika kegiatan lain menyusul pada waktu lampau

·    S + was/were + V ing + O
He was watching TV all afternoon yesterday.

·    S + was/were + V ing + O + When + S + V 2
She was crying when I saw her.
They were having dinner when I came.
All morning/ afternoon yesterday

Future Tense
Ø  menyatakan suatu kegiatan yang akan dilakukan di waktu yang akan datang

·    S + shall/will + V 1 + O
Rina will visit her uncle next Sunday.
I shall go to Kediri tomorrow.
·    S + is/am/ are + going to + V 1
Mother is going to pack all the food.
Next month/year

Kamis, 07 Juni 2012

B What U Wanna B

For the students of Mts Plus Raden Paku, I think ... you are familiar about this song. The message of this song: You have to try to achieve your dreams!
Doctor actor lawyer or a singer
Why not president be a dreamer
You can be just the one you wanna be
Police man fire fighter or a post man
Why not something like your old man
You can be just the one you wanna be

Doctor actor lawyer or a singer
Why not president be a dreamer
You can be just the one you wanna be

I know that we all got one thing
That we all share together
We got that one nice dream we live for
You never know what life could bring
'Cause nothing lasts forever
Just hold on to the team you play for

I know you could reach the top
Make sure that you won't stop
Be the one that you wanna be
Now sing this with me

Doctor actor lawyer or a singer
Why not president be a dreamer
You can be just the one you wanna be
Police man fire fighter or a post man
Why not something like your old man
You can be just the one you wanna be

We may have different ways to think
But it doesn't really matter
We all caught up in the steam of this life
Focus on every little thing
That's what does really matter
Luxury cars and bling that's not real life

I know you could reach the top
Make sure that you won't stop
Be the one that you wanna be
Now sing this with me

Doctor actor lawyer or a singer
Why not president be a dreamer
You can be just the one you wanna be
Police man fire fighter or a post man
Why not something like your old man
You can be just the one you wanna be

Last year I used to dream about this day
Now I'm here I'm singing for you
I hope I could inspire you
'Cause I've got all the love
'Cause I've got all love for you

Doctor actor lawyer or a singer
Why not president be a dreamer
You can be just the one you wanna be
Police man fire fighter or a post man
Why not something like your old man
You can be just the one you wanna be

Rabu, 06 Juni 2012

Interior Five Towers

Actually I haven't read the real novel of Interior Five Towers but I have a dream to get n read this novel.
This novel can be a inspiration about 'dreams'. Especially for the Islamic Students of MTs Plus Raden Paku Trenggalek, I hope you can build your dreams and achieve your dreams.

Negeri Lima Menara
Kisah ini diawali lima sahabat yang sedang mondok di sebuah pesantren, dan kemudian bertemu lagi ketika mereka sudah beranjak dewasa. Uniknya, setelah bertemu, ternyata apa yang mereka bayangkan ketika menunggu Azhan Maghrib di bawah menara masjid benar-benar terjadi. Itulah cuplikan cerita novel laris Negeri 5 Menara karya Ahmad Fuadi yang menjadi topik blog saya kali ini.

Ahmad Fuadi yang berperan sebagai Alif di novel itu berkisah, ia tak menyangka dan tak percaya bisa menjadi seperti sekarang ini. Pemuda asal Desa Bayur, Maninjau, Sumatera Barat itu adalah pemuda desa yang diharapkan bisa menjadi seorang guru agama seperti yang diinginkan kedua orangtuanya. Keinginan kedua orangtua Fuadi tentu saja tidak salah. Sebagai “amak” atau Ibu kala itu, menginginkan agar anak-anaknya menjadi orang yang dihormati di kampung seperti menjadi guru agama.

“Mempunyai anak yang sholeh dan berbakti adalah sebuah warisan yang tak ternilai, karena bisa mendoakan kedua orangtuanya mana kala sudah tiada,” ujar Ahmad Fuadi mengenang keinginan Amak di kampung waktu itu.

Namun ternyata Fuadi alias Alif mempunyai keinginan lain. Ia tak ingin seumur hidupnya tinggal di kampung. Ia mempunyai cita-cita dan keinginan untuk merantau. Ia ingin melihat dunia luar dan ingin sukses seperti sejumlah tokoh yang ia baca di buku atau mendengar cerita temannya di desa. Namun, keinginan Alif tidaklah mudah untuk diwujudkan. Kedua orangtuanya bergeming agar Fuadi tetap tinggal dan sekolah di kampung untuk menjadi guru agama. Namun berkat saran dari ”Mak Etek” atau paman yang sedang kuliah di Kairo, akhirnya Fuadi kecil bisa merantau ke Pondok Madani, Gontor, Jawa Timur. Dan, disinilah cerita kemudian bergulir. Ringkasnya Fuadi kemudian berkenalan dengan Raja alias Adnin Amas, Atang alias Kuswandani,Dulmajid alias Monib, Baso alias Ikhlas Budiman dan Said alias Abdul Qodir.

Kelima bocah yang menuntut ilmu di Pondok Pesantren Gontor ini setiap sore mempunyai kebiasaan unik. Menjelang Azan Maghrib berkumpul di bawah menara masjid sambil melihat ke awan. Dengan membayangkan awan itulah mereka melambungkan impiannya. Misalnya Fuadi mengaku jika awan itu bentuknya seperti benua Amerika, sebuah negara yang ingin ia kunjungi kelak lulus nanti. Begitu pula lainnya menggambarkan awan itu seperti negara Arab Saudi, Mesir dan Benua Eropa.

Melalui lika liku kehidupan di pesantren yang tidak dibayangkan selama ini, ke lima santri itu digambarkan bertemu di London, Inggris beberapa tahun kemudian. Dan, mereka kemudian bernostalgia dan saling membuktikan impian mereka ketika melihat awan di bawah menara masjid Pondok Pesantren Gontor, Jawa Timur.

Belajar di pesantren bagi Fuadi ternyata memberikan warna tersendiri bagi dirinya. Ia yang tadinya beranggapan bahwa pesantren adalah konservatif, kuno, ”kampungan” ternyata adalah salah besar. Di pesantren ternyata benar-benar menjujung disiplin yang tinggi, sehingga mencetak para santri yang bertanggung jawab dan komitmen. Di pesantren mental para santri itu ”dibakar” oleh para ustadz agar tidak gampang menyerah. Setiap hari, sebelum masuk kelas, selalu didengungkan kata-kata mantera ”Manjadda Wajadda” jika bersungguh-sungguh akan berhasil.

”Siapa mengira jika Fuadi yang anak kampung kini sudah berhasil meraih impiannya untuk bersekolah dan bekerja di Amerika Serikat?" Untuk itu, jangan berhenti untuk bermimpi!

Minggu, 20 Mei 2012


We realize that Allah's plan is better than what we think. I also realize that Allah gives 'the best' for me. In my life... it begins from the dreams. I realize that I'm only the ordinary woman but... I have dreams.
Actually, I've realized that some my dreams have come true in this 2 years... when I read about dream... when I heard about dream... and when I thought about dream. So I believe the words 'the dreams come true'.
Of course Allah always in 'my each steps'.
A success person starts from a big dreamer. Don't be shy ... be a big dreamer! And then try to achieve your dreams. (This is also a motivation for me. I learned, I'm still learning, and I will learn about this).



It's about my dream's blog. I hope this blog can give the readers lots of benefit.